Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Some Observations from the Other Side

I finally changed my blog picture.  Yes, I know it's now six weeks old.  But that's the best I can do because blogspot is being weird and won't import a photo from facebook that I wanted to use, so I had to make do with one that Chad had sent me and I have already uploaded to my computer and exported for use online.  I STILL don't know where my camera charger is (I finally caved to Chad pressuring me and have agreed to just get a new one, even though I still like my old one).  I do have some photos in my inbox from my mom from when they were visiting, but frankly, I haven't uploaded or exported those yet.

I have a profound new respect for single mothers.  Holy shit.  Chad left on Sunday for WA and will be there until the 19th.  Sunday went alright, but Monday.  People, Monday sucked.  I ate 1.5 meals.  THAT'S IT.  I was starving, but that wasn't the worst part.  The worst part was then that Wylie refused to actually sleep Monday night (or was it Sunday night?  I don't even remember now).  I think I got a solid 45 minutes at a time.  Sigh.  Things are better now.  Yesterday I was able to put him in his bassinet twice in order to quick inhale some waffles and then get dinner started.  Today, I'm on my third time with him sleeping in his bassinet.  But I still cannot wait for Chad to get home.

On the 19th, Chad gets home, his mom flies in, and our friends Mike and Saranya arrive as well for a visit.  They're all flying in to Denver: Chad first, his mom an hour later, and then Mike and Saranya about an hour and a half after that.  So Chad is going to hang out until everyone arrives.  Which means that over this next week and a half that is left while Chad is gone, I have to somehow make sure that house stays in company ready condition.  Right.

Wylie is finally growing.  Well, not that he wasn't before, but it's a palpable growth now.  At first, the newborn onesies were getting tight in the crotch area, so I decided it was time to start using the 3 mos. onesies.  Well, today, he wore his first complete outfit in the 3 mos. size.  It's adorable - it's one that Sharon (MIL) bought for him.

The last time I shaved my legs was in August.  It just got too hard to shave them.  I kept telling myself, once I have the baby, then I'll be able to shave them.  Yeah, right.  I don't even get to wash my face twice a day every day.  I will just say this: I'm at Man Status.  Ew.

As much as I want Chad to come home, it's so nice to have the bed to myself and not have to worry about whether he gets back to sleep okay when Wylie wakes up for a nighttime feeding.  Calvin likes it too.  Silly cat resumes sleeping with me while Chad's gone.

I have my six week postpartum checkup next week.  So far, I'm feeling pretty good about things.  Yes, I'm tired.  Duh.  I love my baby and feel close to him.  (BTW: he smiled at me for the first time yesterday.  I thought I was going to melt, people!)  I feel pretty okay about my postpartum body (though my stomach looks like crepe paper and I sincerely vow that my midriff will never again see the light of day in public) - I am already weighing less than I was when I first got pregnant (at least that was the case the last time I was weighed at the doctors).  Chad helps around the house as much as he can.  Though, I will say that I really, really miss my family and friends from back home.  I kind of feel like the pregnancy totally embittered me toward Colorado.  Yes, it's pretty here and I do like it, but I really just feel pretty resentful toward Colorado a lot of the time now.  I hope that passes some - spending the next three to four years feeling like this is going to be rough.

Alright, the baby is stirring, so I must be off.  But I just wanted to update some :)

And here are some more photos....

 This is a blanket sleeper that Grandma Sharon bought for him.  She loved this one (it was in the box of clothes she mailed to us) - it was her favorite.

In most of these next pictures, he's still jaundiced, so you can tell these are older.  These are when he's between 1 week and 3 weeks of age...

He's so precious!  And I love the faces that he makes!

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